[2008-12-24] Miniatures from 2400 AD

2400 AD miniature from front, with white and blue color scheme. 2400 AD miniature in profile, with white and blue color scheme. 2400 AD miniature from rear, with white and blue color scheme.

These are two of the three lead miniatures that were packaged with Origin System's 1987 video game 2400 AD, which I played and enjoyed on an Apple IIc when I was 12 or 13. They were painted probably three or four years later. I don't know what happened to the third one.

2400 AD miniature from front, with black and gunmetal color scheme. 2400 AD miniature from an oblique angle, with black and gunmetal color scheme. 2400 AD miniature from rear, with black and gunmetal color scheme.

last modified 2008-12-24
